Pastelle, FDA approved, is a premium Q-switched Nd.
YAG Laser that provides high power output during all the pigment procedures.
Consistent output on a large targeted area with uniform energy distribution allows safe and effective treatment, minimizing skin thermal injury and selectively destroying pigments present throughout the dermis.
PTP mode presents less pain and faster regeneration, compared to the single pulse.
Safe & High performance for tattoo removal, Epidermal & Dermal pigment lesion
Provide suitable parameter which was accumulated by experience for individual procedure
Reliable steady seller qualified by FDA, CE, KFDA and CFDA
Inclusive procedures available with 4 types of hand piec
Zoom Hand Piece (2~10mm, Standard)
Fractional Hand Piece (1064nm, Optional)
The flat Top-Hat beam profile
Delivers even and consistent energy to target area
PTP (Photoacoustic Twin Pulse) Mode
Less painful and milder reaction to pigments
Less injury to the surrounding tissues and faster regeneration
Less hypo-pigmentation, PIH and other adverse effects